
Mobile accessories have an arbitrary and often even a bad image. No wonder, because 1. the accessory market is an mass market and 2. it is lovelessly presented and demoted to identityless mass-produced goods. Thanks to this presentation and the oversupply on marketplaces, your product is a product of millions – from self-designable cases, to junk till luxury, all in a wide variety of designs and price segments. In addition, the brand communication is missing and that’s why it disappears.

Like most vendors, you are sure to sell online and most likely next to your own store on Amazon as well. And the only reason is: Because you can not get past it. „Online“ is today one of the most important and thus also one of the most competitive communication channels for the distribution of products. But despite countless existing providers and shops prevails on the first page of search results of the most popular search engine instead of diversity a genuine oligopoly. So a market in which a few, but large providers get the majority of customers for themselves. The result is a high price war at the lowest price, where at the same time the one collects the clicks and maybe wins the customer is the one who pays the highest keyword price the longest. But in a market where the lowest prices are concerned, it’s never about the brand. That means, you make an expensive investment in short-term goals.

In times of globalized markets with buyer power and high quality standards, it is only in an inspiring brand communication that not only ignites desires but also remains in memory, the chance to communicate brand identities, to perpetuate preferences and to differentiate oneself. Everyone has to handle this competition today and in the future, and even if in the future, thanks to the language assistant, only one result and no result list will receive the attention of the overly excited consumer.

Our intentions and aims

kavar wants to face this challenge and to be an adequate online platform in the accessory market, which stands for a relevant selection of high-quality accessories for mobile devices; which highlights the characteristics of the products, gives the brands a face and emphasizes this offer with the combined strength of the represented suppliers in the one-sided result landscape of the online search.

Therefor kavar is working on the content of the brands. What does the manufacturer stand for and what distinguishes the product? At kavar, customers should not search, compare and weigh a long time, but be able to see through it. Therefore, we offer a selected range, with the aim of having the best of the best and not the biggest offer of all. Customers should have a simple and effective shopping experience through clear communication and inspirational visual content. The result: the consumer receives orientation and a simple buying process. Above all, customers who do not have a fixed brand preference, browse through a diverse selection of different brands and price segments and have within a shop, the free choice without being overwhelmed.

kavar was born from the existing business of fonlos, as we have often seen in the past during the intensive use often that there are great differences in quality of the accessories. At the same time, however, we also see that the innovation and attention to detail that you as a manufacturer invest in your products are often unrecognizable to the consumer. Therefore, we have decided to convey the following message: When it comes to accessories for mobile devices, then kavar is right, because kavar bundles the best products of the best brands in the tech accessory market, with which you can not go wrong. If you have your products offered through kavar, then you benefit from an immediate sales potential. Above all, however, you also make a long-term strategic decision with regard to the prevailing market developments and the necessary measures to respond to them.

But we do not want to be another dealer. As a brand provider, you not only receive another sales channel for your products, but also valuable brand communication that should improve the image of the market and profile your brand. We will e.g. convey that high-quality accessories are also more durable and a protective cover is the perfect accessory with which the wearer can express his or her style. In addition we want, that both you and we benefit from greater communicative effects. To this end, we will regularly develop high-reach promotional offers for the german market and submit them to the brands participating in kavar. You can participate in these measures at a calculated price and without your own efforts regarding campaign planning & co. or not.

The purpose of this agreement

The agreements in this Agreement are intended to facilitate cooperation (for example, to reduce coordination and audit efforts). All brands represented on kavar have decided to support kavar as a marketing platform. We look forward to receiving your brand and a selection of products listed below on under the following condition. Your investment in cooperation is:

  • Your acceptance in this agreement
  • The provision of selected products on commission or similar arrangements

In return, you will receive the following free brand communication and search engine relevant content such as

  • Illustrated idea of ​​your brand,
  • a highlighted placement in the shop,
  • inspirational editorial content and
  • social media posts where we use your marketing material and link it.
  • Currently, our flyer will be delivered to our technical trade partner in about 30,000 packages by the end of the year.
  • In addition, upon request, we will gladly integrate your brand into our first newsletter.
  • And as promised, more interesting promotional offers follow!

If we could convince you of kavar, then we look forward to a common future. Safe your place today at and profit in the future from promising marketing offers!


Minimum order quantities

The manufacturer waives minimum purchase quantities.

Price & Adjustments

kavar assures the manufacturer to adhere to the agreed price agreements.

If the manufacturer reduces the SRP within 6 months after delivery of the goods, kavar will be notified without request and will receive:
[x] A credit equal to the difference of net purchase price and discounted price
[x] A credit balance equal to the difference of net purchase price and discounted price, which kavar can redeem on the next order.

Sale on marketplaces

kavar sells on the marketplaces ebay and Amazon due to communicative goals. The selling price is located normally minimal above or equal to the SRP/Retail Price on The brands agree to an online distribution through these marketplaces:
[x] ebay
[x] amazon

Option A


The manufacturer provides the products selected by kavar available on commission free of charge. Unsold products will be:
[x] Returned to the manufacturer within 6 months.
[x] Returned to the manufacturer within 1 year. The products are exchanged for current models or other products.
Billing is monthly on the basis of sales.

Alternative: Option B

Sale with return

kavar buys selected products and is allowed on non-sale to:
[x] Return the products to the manufacturer within 6 months. The purchase price will be refunded.
[x] Return the products to the manufacturer within 1 year. The products are exchanged for current models or other products.
The billing takes place after delivery.


Rights of use of the marketing material

The manufacturer sends and grants kavar the right to unrestricted use of the marketing materials on all kavar online and offline media. The use of the manufacturer’s pictures and texts should serve the marketing of the products in the shop, on Instagram and in advertising campaigns. kavar differentiates between two types of content: Editorials (information) and Advertorials (commercial). Since kavar respects a balance, no claim to linking (for example in social media) can be granted, although kavar tries to act in terms of the manufacturer as often as possible. Marketing material means: Logo, product photos/graphics (min. 1 gallery picture on white background), icons, product texts, lifestyle photos, graphics in general and videos.

Creative scope for using the marketing material

kavar is allowed to edit pictures and texts of the manufacturer for their own context to the best of their knowledge and belief as well as to use them for the design of campaigns (for example as part of a collage). It is ensured that the character of images and text is not distorted. Texts are processed especially for SEO reasons. In order to reduce the testing and organization costs, kavar will not ask for approval for all self-directed measures (shop, newsletter, Instagram). In high-reach campaigns, there is always a vote. The manufacturer can determine a removal of any negative graphics from kavar’s own digital media at any time on request to

Providing samples for PR purposes

As part of the collaboration, the manufacturer will provide samples or products that kavar will use to make the press and potential multipliers aware of the offer. The timing and scope of the PR samples to be provided will be communicated separately.

Actions and offers

kavar will offer customer benefits (e.g. for first time customers) in the form of: discounts, bonus points and bundle offers in the context of new customer acquisition, customer loyalty or recovery measures.
Of course, these offers are always limited in time and extent.

Product placement in kavar's own media

As part of the collaboration, kavar offers the manufacturer placements within the website, individual contributions in editorial contributions or emphasis in packaging. Contents as well as the picture material to be used are integrated in agreement with the manufacturer. The picture material is to be provided by the manufacturer. Such individual placements are subject to a charge.

Regular measures include:

  • Placements (in the Hero slider, product feature, banner, editorial entries in the blog article, ..)
  • Newsletters, Instagram Posts, Sponsored Posts
  • Advertising material: Rollups displays, flyers or samples (as an insert in our packages and those of our trading partners)
  • Bonus program

All measures available at:
Media data: Traffic numbers & other license plates can be found at:

High-reach advertising offers

In addition to the regular measures, further target group-oriented & far-reaching marketing offers will follow. For this kavar will send offers. The manufacturer has the opportunity to share in the overall budget along with other providers in far-reaching measures to participate. He is free to respond or not. The campaigns only come into existence when the required participation is given.

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